This is in my research project. What is your opinion? Do you think a drug addict who has not committed a violent crime related to drug abuse should serve time in prison or sent to a rehabilitation center to help your addiction? My personal opinion is to be sent to a treatment center instead of for several reasons. rehabilitation. when taking a drug user offender or other non-violent, and throw them in the general population with criminals, then you just create another career criminal. create our own problems here in America. and "rehabilitation" is not the purpose of corrections and legal system. the goal is to get as many people as possible to justify their budgets blocked huge, paid by taxpayers. and now that the prison system has been privatized and made a profit-making business, only adding to the problem. It is no coincidence that America is closed to most people in the world! You must be on rehabilitation, remanufacture and then sent directly to jail for drugs! Being a specialized rehab rehabilitation work only if the person is serious about helping prison would not help a drug user too much as you can drugs in prison very easy if you have the know-how. Same as in rehab. Prison would scare the life of someone, especially if they are not a "hard core" personality. Rehab can be like Lindsay Lohan and other celebrities who have absolutely nothing of it. It depends on who wants to help, wanting to stop what they get will end up. A commitment to stop, or sentences hell in prison. Prison. better than his rehab, they have no access to drugs to pay for their crimes, and get advice at the same time as there is crime associated with drugs (lack of or under the influence), they are highly recommended to go to a rehabilitation center. It does wonders for a person when they really any crime where the person under the influence or not in the right spirit, I believe that prison for their specific problem, I do not think prison is the answer to be done to get rehabilitated drug abusers because it is a disease and should treated.You was not an alcoholic in jail you would be treated. I think if you allow them to jail or rehab take rehabilitation. I think if they get caught with drugs and prison, I think they should be in rehab for the duration of their crime. If we pay for them in prison, and it will not help to pay for not their illness so they can to rehabilitate and improve their chances of returning to society and their families to be good citizens .
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