a. Al-Anon and Alateen b. substance abuse professional (SAP) from the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) d. clergy, religious educators and church administrators e. Employee assistance professionals (EAP) f. State alcohol or drug abuse g. Authority regular health professional and family doctor h. Advisor 1. Physicians must be certified by the Association for the treatment of substance abuse and addiction. ABCDEFGH 2. Here is where you should start looking for help with addiction abcdefgh 3. This program is available in the company of only 10 employees and more than 10,000 employees. It sa confidential resources used and trusted by millions of people every year. ABCDEFGH 4. These programs provide assistance to families and friends of people with substance abuse. ABCDEFGH 5. this person should be allowed to deal with drugs and alcohol. Your doctor may refer to one with a good reputation in your area. ABCDEFGH 6. These people have counseling skills but not necessarily approved consultants, they may be able to offer help or advice. 7: e abcdefgh If you seek help, is a treatment to ensure that they are approved by that body. ABCDEFGH Consultants eighth, which is independently certified to treat drug abuse and addiction .
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